Saturday, October 29, 2005

FAQ: Do my own family ghosts come to visit me?

Yes! All the time.
Here is an example of apowerful family-spirit filled time.
The day that my Grandfather died, recently, I saw the beloved spirit of my Grandmother, who died of ALS when I was young. She was standing by my Mother's bedside (there was no one in the room) and seemed to be "taking care" of someone. Instantly I knew that my Grandfather's time was coming, and probably that day. Why? Well she was a full blown apparition... and usually I don't see apparitions very often. I see spirits, I sense spirits, but rarely do you see a dead person standing in your Mother's bedroom. It does happen, however, that spirits can muster up enough energy to manifest themselves, however - usually they do it to pack a punch of meaning.
We knew my Grandfather was going to die soon, but not that soon, and my Grandmother communicated to me that it was time, and that I should be brave for my Mother. I let her know by nodding, and she disappeared. I merely told my Mom that I saw my Grandmother, as I usually tell her when I sense Grandma, and went to my room to collect myself.
Shorltly after my Grandfather died, before I knew it as a fact (before my uncle called me) - I heard his voice say a very familiar phrase to me, one that always made me laugh when he said it, and in his powerful voice (in French) - and I knew. My uncle called five minutes later to tell me my Grandfather was dead, and that was that. I already knew, but it's still not easy - even when you know they're in a better place. I would have posted about this earlier, but it was still too fresh/too hard. Now that everyone is starting to heal a bit, it's easier to write about.
All though that week, family spirits were with me. No more apparitions, but many spirits. My Aunt Cecile sat next to me on the whole 8 hour ride up, who had died of breast cancer. I hadn't known her well in life, but I'd seen her several times as a spirit.
During the wake, the entire funeral home was filled with spirits, some that I knew, some that I didn't. The strangest part was - that there were no ghosts in the church for the funeral. It's been suggested to me that it's hallowed ground, and therefore spiritual energy isn't as easily percieved, or that there was just too much spiritual activity to pick out one or two spirits, or that there was a much more powerful force in the church to allow me to see it.
Another example.
I have to visit the doctor's office many times during the year... at least 7 or 8. Each time is difficult for me, emotionally and physically, and I always tend to have a bit of a panic attack. I hate being a chronically ill person, but I have accepted it and try to stay strong. Sometimes my strength fails me, and I just want to run out of the office and cry like a baby - but then, the spirit of my Grandmother and deceased pet dog come to comfort me. They slow down my heart rate, and anchor me down. My Grandmother has always told me to stay strong, that she's always around.
Your family members may be doing the same thing, open your heart and your mind to that possibility, and PAY ATTENTION! Sometimes it may seem like you're in a day dream, or hallucinating, but family spirits are always trying to contact youduring these hard times. I've seen it time and again, spirits crowding around someone, frustrated that they can't be heard. Sometimes I want to yell out what the spirits are trying to say, but I have learned to hold my tongue - as many people get angry if you tell them you're a medium. "How dare you?" or "Are you mental?" Those are my favorites.
It's best during hard times to look for signs also. Spirits can subtly manipulate their physical environment, not always enough to manifest themselves, but most times they're able to scramble a tv signal or radio signal, or even make something fall off the table or wall. Sometimes they're able to move photographs in frames, or even move your mirror in your car to warn you of coming danger. As a medium, I've learned to abandon myself to their subtle ways. In future posts I will give suggestions on how to be more receptive.