Sunday, April 07, 2013

Learning and Using The "Radar" Method

This is something I have been wanting to share for a while - about the mental/spiritual sense I call the "Radar". Sometimes I call it the Clock Method, but Radar seems much more apt for its function.

When trying to feel out for spirits, on this plane of existence, this method can be helpful in locating exactly where - how big - what shape - and where movement takes a spirit. Sometimes in haunting situations, a spirit will move around as if it is in a physical body. This is the time we see spirits with our eyes or cameras. They move around or sometimes stay still, and try very hard to either manifest or communicate with their target. Sometimes knowing where the spirit is will help to take photos, videos, better sound recordings, and gain some insight into the spirit itself.

I want to help teach you this method if you don't already know it. I learned it from a spirit but it was unnamed - I am not sure if others know this method as I have neglected to ask.
Make sure you have silence during your training at first, a calm environment. Cemeteries might be the best area for this, as physical-plane spirits are more likely to be found there than in regular locations. I'm not sure why, but I theorize that some spirits have a love for their physical remains, or perhaps their monument, or perhaps they are waiting to see if someone can see them. It's a logical place for mediums to go to for training, spirits know this. Wanna see dead folk? Go to where there are many dead. And the morgue is not somewhere just anyone can go without getting into trouble, nor are funeral homes etc.

Sit or lay down comfortably, best to bring a blanket or tarp to sit on if there are no benches.. and don't lay down on or near a plot.. that's just frowned upon, believe me ;)

Close your eyes and take several slow, deep breaths. Keep them closed until otherwise directed.

Focus your attention in front of you, picture your attention as a beam of light (later you can dispense with this when you are more practiced) and shine it ahead of you. Keep this focus.

Slowly and deliberately (keep your attention clear of other things) move that light beam like a hand on a clock - slowly go from ahead of you (12 o'clock) to 1 o'clock, and further to 2, 3, 4, 5 - all the way back to 12. When you are an expert at this, you will feel the beam of your attention almost like an extra limb.

When you have practiced this a few times, each time takes a minute or two at first, I want you to pretend that beam has nerves like a hand. Fingers. Maybe even like your own arm. Don't just visualize it, tell yourself this is a new limb. I find it helps to visualize a tentacle, antenna, or whisker-like appendage reaching out and feeling.

When you sense a spirit, your new limb will vibrate or tingle - or sometimes even feel like it is being resisted. Like something is pushing against your new limb. Try to map out the shape of this "obstacle" to your Radar. Just like Radar, the spiritual energy will have a shape in your minds eye - a depth and width and height that is much more detailed. Like those new laser scanners which can scan entire buildings now.

Focus on what emotions this particular spirit elicits. Does this make you feel welcome? Or is it telling you to buzz off? Does this make you feel happy? Sad? Anxious? Hateful? Helpful? Light or Heavy? Wet or Dry? Label these feelings. This is basic spirit communication at its purest.

Then, focus on the shape itself. Try to get more definition. Does it have a humanoid shape? Animal? Or  is an abstract blob? Does it have appendages? Does it have a companion? Does it have facial features or is it blank?

Furthermore, you can use your new limb to focus on this spirit, bringing it closer to your minds eye, pulling it into more detail. Feel for its surface areas. Is it rough, smooth? Is it warm or cold? Is it shivering or stable? Is it grotesquely mutated or a very normal looking person or animal?

If you feel any negative emotions, especially fear or hate - and most especially a "GO AWAY" feeling.. stop examining it and leave ASAP! This happens to even the most practiced and its a spirit that either is territorial and wants you out, or it feels violated being scanned, or it might just dislike the feeling of your scan. Of course there are other reasons - but these are the ones I find more often.

When you are done practice, it's a good idea to picture the beam/limb coming back into you, opening your eyes and taking several more deep breaths. I find it most helpful to breathe out with a huff and breathe in with a gentle chest stretch. That huff tends to tell my body that I am done and ready to relax and return to my normal state. Find out what works best for you and write it down.

It is not necessary for you to go in a circle. I often do a cone in front of me of analysis - as opposed to the circle, or a sphere. This takes more practice, but any shape preference is fine. The key is to search out with mental/spiritual feelers. Stretching them out and feeling what is around you. Bias can and will throw a stick in your spokes, sadly, and when that happens, start again after ten minutes, this time focus on the image of the radar/clock/sphere/cone - give it colour - that is, green background with little light green shapes for the radar. Focus on the image and not the product.

A few tips:
- Never scan something that doesn't want to be scanned. Ever! You will feel this as I wrote two paragraphs ago - that "go away" feeling. Negative feelings.
- The spirit, if it wants to be scanned, will offer welcoming and positive feelings. Warmth, love, smiles, joy - silliness even, like someone just told you a funny cute joke.
- If you find the clock method works better - ie. picturing the clock hand(s) instead of light beams or limbs - there's nothing wrong with that. Find what works for you.
- If you start to feel the spirit vibrate, tremble, shake or any sort of spastic  movement, pull away and try to ignore it for a time. Gently but cooly scan over it after a few minutes, as quick as you can. If this behavior continues, go away and try a new place. I am not sure exactly what this vibration means, but sometimes spirits will do it right before scaring the daylights out of me.
- If you start feeling weak, stop. Do not push through it. Weakness, in my experience, means something is draining your energy. Be it an entity or just the mental/spiritual exertion - you need to take a break and try again later. Sometimes, people report a nonstop drain whenever they focus their energy on spirits.. this is not a good thing. This leads to nervous disorders, digestive upset, and even mental illness - from what I have read and experienced. Perhaps that is why I am so ill? A haunting question in my life.
- If a spirit vanishes while you touch it with your beam/limb/etc - scan for it in another area. I find they sometimes test one's perceptive skills. Reminds me of Whack-a-Mole! This can be a very strengthening exercise and a wonderful way to bond with this spirit.
- Never do this after a long, hard day. Do this only when you have confidence in your ability to walk away from a bad situation - should it arise.
- Lastly, have fun! Our bodies are amazing tools and can be honed to do even more amazing things. Enjoy yourself and document your findings. I would love to hear them too :) I might not always reply soon, but I read it no matter how sick I am :)

*I was going to add on an anecdote to this article, but I will save it for a fresh post soon. I apologize again and again for tardiness or not responding to emails. I get a lot and my illness drains me.. but I have made a few new rules for myself to aid in this. Sadly I will not answer mails sent before 2011, I am cutting them off as the massive pile tends to stress me out and make me angry at myself for not being able to answer them all! I will now answer the letters when I can, as opposed to in order. Sometimes a block in the reading I am doing and put ALL mails on hold. Not a good idea! Sometimes it can take years for me to contact a spirit. If you wish me to answer a 2011 mail or earlier, please resend it and I will get to it this time! An accept my sorry, it is in earnest, I assure you!