Sunday, April 07, 2013

Autism - Spirit Connection

As with anything in the Universe, in my experience, there is a balance to all the hard things that happen. Autism is one of the most complex and difficult things for a parent to have in a child, and also for the child who has it - and as adults, they meet with prejudice and hardships most people will never even get a taste of in their lives. 
The spectrum of the schismatic ailment known collectively as Autism is massive and varied. Spirits have often told me that we do not know half of the disorders that will come to be known in the future as Autism. There will be a revolution in thinking about this disorder in the next 5-10 years that will forever change it - within that 5-10 years there is a timetable, rough as it is, but the renaming will be towards the end of that period - 8 years from now - whereas the revolution itself will become named and well known between 5-5 1/2 years from now. It is in its infancy now, and has been since the 70's. Several doctors have made insane breakthroughs already - but it will take time for general acceptance. It's hard to say what's now and what's then - what already was - suffice it to say: the future is bright for those with Autism.
Many people have brought me people with Autism to communicate with them or tell me what I see. Dozens in various types of the ailment. These were eye opening and mind opening. They were not simple, not lost, not uncaring of the world around them.. But wholly integrated - body and soul - into the energies of the world both physical and metaphysical..
We are still in the relative dark ages when it comes to our cultures/society understanding the illness. That being said, I want you to take everything I write with a grain of salt - spirits and I have been wrong, not far off, but it's happened. I'd be a fool to say I understand everything shown to me, but I endeavor to try my hardest.
What I do know from my decades of seeing the spiritual world is that Autism has a spiritual component. It is not 100% spiritual, closer to 40-50%. There are little ballerinas of energy in their minds - a little light show I do not see in many others. Some call it auras, let's just call it energy around the person's body - long but I hate using coined terms for such a mysterious phenomena. The energy swirls around in a dance, gracefully deliberate in some instances, and mindbogglingly fast in others - and sometimes it pushes out meters from the person. It's mesmerizing. I hate catching myself staring, but oftentimes I slip into the patterns and forget myself lol. Ghosts do the same ;)
But that is just skimming the surface. Usually, the more apart from what we call reality - the more the person is in the Spirit world. Almost all of the people I have met with Autism notice ghosts. Some interact with ghosts in a very lucid way. Others move more than regular folks when spirits touch them or are too close to them. Some can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch spiritual energies, some can only sense them just a little - like a bit of a radar. Others see into the spiritual plane we can call the Happy Afterlife Place, if you like - Heaven or what-have-you.
One boy, we will call Jose, had "low functioning" Autism. They never told me a name for it or what the doctors said as I like to be as blind as possible to avoid bias. Jose looked straight at me as I spoke to him the way I speak to spirits in direct communication. I asked him to point to three of the ghosts that were in the room - there were many that night, at least 20 - and he smiled and pointed to two ghosts and one living person. His Mother. I'm not saying general direction, I'm saying straight at them, making eye contact with them. If I spoke words to him, he would not notice me at all - direct communication only - that is, speaking important words only or using spiritual communication as I do with many ghosts. He could talk to the spirits clear enough, and the spirits around him {that were like an entourage were mostly ancestors (old and newly deceased)} told me the most frequent sentiment he shared with them was that he loved his Mother and Father so much - but they were a little rude for ignoring his (nickname won't be shown) - his Great Grandmother who had died maybe twenty year before he was even born.  I won't say her name but the nickname was quite close to her actual name. He thought they were rude for ignoring spirits they couldn't see. He loved his parents and knew a lot about them, and I think he was able to see what they were doing while he was asleep when they stayed up at night. His entourage of spirits seemed to think so. He was still mysterious to them. A lot of spirits would come and check the little guy out to see his ability. He also knew when his family got sick, which is a common thing parents and spirits tell me about them, but it was hard for him to communicate it - so he would point to them (more like their bodily energy) and cry out when his finger was over the afflicted area.
They see you, but they are often distracted by spirits and spiritual phenomenon. Spirits will educate them, entertain them, cuddle them, and talk to them about their lives. Often times this makes it seem scary to some people - how did the kid know this or that without learning it here? How do they know that Spanish song when they know no Spanish nor have been exposed to much of it?? How can they know Aunt Kitty has cancer in her cerebral cortex? How can they sense when you are sad when you are doing such an amazing job at hiding it? It's scary to some that cannot see spirits, but for those who can - it makes perfect sense.
Another reason they can be intensely intelligent is explained by that light show I describe earlier. Their brains and spirits work together with bodily energy unlike regular people. Sometimes it's not spirits talking to them, but the phenomena of energy raining down in a torrent when normal folk have a light drizzle. A beehive of shining activity when my brain can barely add and subtract first thing in the morning before coffee. Is it a gift? I don't know. I can't judge a situation I am not in, even if I have been exposed to many folk in said situation.
It's a struggle. Misunderstood folk who have such connections with the spiritual world - in a mundane world that struggles with fear and laughs at what it doesn't understand. It can't be real for them because they can't see it, they can't sense it. Well I sense it. I admire their ability to see spirits so clearly - but I also admire what a fight they have to go through walking in both worlds without a filter. Mediums are usually pretty lucky in that they are able to filter out the spirit world when they need to, like myself. I can ignore a spirit where they cannot, I can jump from spiritual to mundane within minutes, but they cannot leave it. Once our society is ready to stop laughing, not caring, or hating the fact of a spiritual plane of existence, they will see those with Autism (and other ailments) as giants who walk both this world and the other. The parents will be loved for their struggle.
Not all those with Autism have the ability to see spirits, I want to reiterate that. Some have amazing abilities, intelligences, perceptions. Some have both.
Like Autism, Alzheimer patients that have been brought to me - and straddle both worlds. The difference lays in the exterior energy I can see on them, that "aura" thing. Folk with Autism have larger energy fields, whereas those with Alzheimer's have a regular energy BUT it is just to the side - no longer fused with the body - they are half here and half there. In both places there is confusion, but please don't worry about them in the spiritual plane - this is a temporary confusion. In Autism, the spiritual senses stay their whole lives, some able to disconnect from seeing spirits as it is not a socially accepted thing - they are able to sense that and they distance themselves from it after very hard work. Just like burgeoning mediums, I offer the advice: if the spirit world makes your life hard, ignoring the best you can - and your body (perhaps spiritual or physical) adapts to block it out completely after a time.
Should those with Autism be encouraged to communicate with spirits? That is a very, very hard question to ask. A good question. I am not nearly as intelligent as I need to be to answer it adequately, but I do hope to give you some advice from my experiences. The world is not ready for openness about spiritual abilities - not yet.  It should be made known that this is not something to be done in public if you choose to encourage it. It should never be a focal point, as the same ability to adapt blocking can go the other way and open you wider to the world of spirits. There are meditations one can do to control the aperture we see through - but it is harder to guide the Autistic from this world. They would need a spirit to be their guru. The person should never be a sideshow or seen as a freak of any kind. They should never feel superior about their ability and get prideful - they will not only get a bad attitude about it, worse: they will attract the wrong kind of spirit. They, like any one who sees spirits, is a magnet for all kinds of spirits. Good and bad, just like humans in life. I hope I am making sense. Listen, observe, record, be present. Understand the person is not less-than. They are humans. It is not for us to say if they are better than us, just like it isn't for us to say if they are inferior either. I'd like to think it's part of our evolutionary process, fine-tuning our spiritual awareness perhaps? Just like any steps in the ladder, there will be extreme hardships and extreme successes. I'd also like to think they were made perfect, as I believe we all are, with our part to play in this epic tale of humanity. If the great Creator, the Architect of us brothers and sisters made them this way - there must be equilibrium. Maybe not in the sublunary/workaday world most of us live in, but in the next world - the other world, their balance will be payed. I am a great believer in Its Equilibrium. I hate naming these things.. I am trying my best to just use words in the dictionary that best fit what I have seen.
In that light, the next part of this article comes: the formerly Autistic. Those who have done their duties here and crossed over to the other place. Again, I hate to use the word Gift as it connotes so many things I don't want to say here - I will just plainly-as-possible say it. Those who were Autistic are FAR from it in the other life. They are teachers, gurus, masters of the spiritual world. They understand things upon 'death' that some spirits learn only after centuries of being 'dead'. They can affect the living world more than most spirits can - using simple things from electricity to much more complex things like human thoughts. You really don't want to piss a spirit off with this illness, you really shouldn't anger any spirits, as people with spiritual abilities in life tend to have many times the ability of regular folk in death. I say that in a bit of joke, as people with that much spiritual connection in life tend to have a more mature sense of right/wrong ethics/morals or what I prefer to think of as hurting/hindering/blocking vs. healing/helping/facilitating. But when there is a lack of equilibrium, I find that spirits are often the ones to set things in balance. Sometimes in revenge, sadly, but mostly in justice. If one doesn't know the difference.. well that is an ingredient in the recipe for a serious, long term, and intense haunting. Back to the subject though.. sorry, my mind finds it difficult to focus on one spirit talking at a time, and one idea from my mind to the next. Hopefully it all gets out in a timely and cohesive fashion. I wanted to use cogent, but looked up the definition and the part of it being "persuasive" is not something I desire. I don't want to convince anyone, I want to put my experiences out there, you do with it what you *Will*. Abilities vary from person to person - but one can usually know how to separate this world from the next tons better than the average spirit. They understand the differences. They understand how to navigate both in ways and intensities that normal folk just can't without soooooo much education. No worries, we all eventually get there, it just takes time. Ug.. there is another loaded word ;) Time! Anyways, abilities on the stranger side range from being able to change/create lower/higher air pressures (creating winds, local change in barometric pressure, etc) to moving within living things like people, animals, even plants for however long they choose. They are also more in tune with the energy of knowledge in the universe. Akashic Records are a great illustration of that layer of the universe. Basically, able to connect with our collective consciousness - that lovely spiritual well of information.. everything that was, is, and will be thought. Some spirits say that's how they see the future, other spirits give other analogies - another post for another day if you're interested. For what they suffer in this life - balance is found on the other side, what some would call rewards. Like a "Pass Go 1 million times and collect your salary" sort of a massive head start. Of course this is all relative to their specific cases, I am told.
That being said, they should not hurry to the next world. NEVER should anyone be advised to hurry. This place is a school. This place is a womb. If you force someone to skip class, as it were, you are greatly disabling them in the next life. Be careful, it's not something to mess with.
I do not envy those fighting a mental battle, nor a spiritual one - it is a meretricious war that is being fought by those worthy of sainthood. The spirits who were once those soldiers of Autism are such guiding forces in the other place. They are beauty and wisdom and grace - topped off by usually killer senses of humor. They deserve our utmost respect and understanding. They are major conduits between this world and the next, teachers to guide us through the troubles of life and death, and above all - they are humans struggling through this school just as every other human. Balanced differently than the "normal" human, they stand mere centimeters away from being that "normal" human - only they and their guardians are burdened with being different - and different frightens the "normal" human. Now with more openness about the ailment, more public speakers, more education, and more access to research materials - it is already beginning to open horizons. Never soon enough, of course, but it is coming soon that you won't have to apologize for your perfectly perfect child doing what they were fated to do.  Cures will help retain the gift of Autism while destroying its hardships, programs will change the way the brain processes both worlds, and will help the subject focus on this world - the world they're in for learning.
I will append any further things I learn or things I remember here on this article pertaining to Autism. If you wish to share your story on Autistic folk and their spiritual aptitude, I would love to hear from you.
As with any timetable I give, these things are VERY difficult to pinpoint. I am not 100% right all the time, and neither are the spirits I speak to, so forgive me if I'm off. Were I 100% accurate I'd get lotto tickets enough to be crazy rich and help you out financially with this struggle.
(Jan 2012 is Now in the article)
4 years from now a spirit shows me "Venus in the Red Grave" on a piece of velvety maroon card, in gold writing. November perhaps. A public announcement about some one's private struggle with Autism. This raises awareness but also quite a bit of unpublicized money for several Autism charities.
5 - 5 1/2 years from now  - the Autism Revolution will become named and well known.
6 years from now - human testing of a controversial drug - used for something else beforehand - ADHD maybe or a similar abbreviation. Very similar. One of the subjects has a tandem illness unrealized - death is imminent it seems but he "pulls it through". The testing is leaked on a website most often visited by youths, leading to a social debate that puts the movement back a couple of years - a reader of this blog can stop that from happening and expedite the timeline. A trade embargo forces the lead researcher or developer to rethink methods or location. This hikes up the prices but also the quality of the cure. 6 doctors from "Quantum Co" or "Quali Company" do an invasive surgical procedure on an "x" in the brain, a long and stretched out x shape - this leads to temporary relief but long term care issues. Styrofoam or something that sounds like it is found to be a major cause in a specific type of Autism.
7 years from now - "Baker" or "Barker" or "Blaker" "Blake R" research labs discover a gene variable (vari something) that could point at a "northern culprit" for many North American and Northern Eurasian cases. Class action lawsuits also begin this year for "unethical testing" or "tasking" - no idea what most of this stuff means, I'm sorry. "Rested Institution" - maybe restitution, sounds like it, is played but fails. Frailty "case" won.
8 Years from now - renaming the movement for public relations, as it becomes tainted with bad connotations from a man or men who say they have Autism but do not - they perform acts of violence and vandalism.
9 Years from now - Blue custard (or Custar) "angeles" 5. I hate vague things but this might mean something to someone.
10 years from now - as things get further it's harder to interpret so I will just type all the words the spirits communicate. Silver medal, crucial turning, Germany, Vice resent blue as always, political office +1, "A cure becomes generally available" - but you get it from a country you wouldn't expect to, I think a European breakthrough by the look of the buildings they are showing me. Venus in the Red Grave is showcased. There is unrest in Libya (related??) that results in the death of a celebrity.
Not sure about where in the timetable these things are:
I keep seeing a blue pill that is part of the cure.
The steep increase in Autism rates will be understood and blamed on three sources. Great giants will fall due to this - much money will be lost and at least half of it is unfounded. That is, half of the money sued is deserved. People start bribing for diagnosis "pink sheets" of Autism so they can get this money. We're talking trillions of dollars all told - 1.5 or 2 trillion. This will change everything from supermarket product availability to massive disability overhauling regarding disability. Giants we've been used to for over 50 years will disappear over the course of a month. Trillions to me sounds like an exaggeration, surely it can't be that big. Unless it's representational of retroactive money lost over decades, an abstract number. But I know little about big, even medium lol, money
I will add more when I hear more. And I want to reiterate.. I hate vague readings, so I apologize, but it's possible these things can mean something to the right people.
(It feels so strange talking to a group of spirits who are all talking at once about the future. They pull you in a bit and make you feel so tired, drained. That part could be my illness.. but still it's very, very out of this world.)
*Will in the sense of what your life-will is, not whatever you want. Same in the sense of Crowley's golden rule: Do what thou wilt. It doesn't mean to do whatever you want, it means to do what your own soul's (your soul, not a foreign soul as one would say a ghost or spirit) progression (to move up in your own "ladder" of personal evolution) requirement (needed step for that evolution) for equilibrium and positivity wills you to do. For example, mine wills me to write about my experience so that others can use that data to help themselves or see things in a different light, different possibility, etc. Mine also wills me to go rest in a minute, regenerate and meditate - and also to keep communicating with spirits to get even more experiences to share. All in the quest to know my environment better, be it spiritual or material.