Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Left or Right: Spirits Choosing Sides

Right or Left: Ghosts Preferring Sides

One interesting question I got this month was whether spirits like to come into our left or right side to communicate. I thought this was unique and indeed worth a talk.
Spirits, like people, have their quirks.. Their eccentricities.  With these idiosyncrasies, they develop strange behaviors. However this phenomena is not just about their preferences, sometimes it is about how the brain perceives the spirits themselves. So a straight answer to that question would be that some spirits do prefer a side of us.

So you're sitting watching tv, usually at night, (Not because the energy is all that different, but because there are usually less distractions for our brains, especially visually) and you start seeing something moving to your right. Maybe it's a flutter or a distinct shape walking, or a face that watches you. Maybe all three or something different. Every night this repeats and the same side sees the spirit.

Why is it that side? You must think about it. Here are some steps to figure it out.
1. Try sitting in a different place, facing the opposite direction. If you don't see it anymore, try this experiment on both sides for a week. Take notes. 
2. Try closing the side's eye and see if the spirit switches. 
3. Try taking a photo. It is rare to get a shot of a peripheral.. But ALWAYS take photos of spirits when you see one. Unless you are someone that sees them all the time, then you need to take photos when you see a very apparent or active spirit.
4. During regular interactions with the living, try to notice if you prefer them on your right or left. The spirit may be trying to pay you respect, after carefully observing you, and the choice is move of an honor. When a spirit chooses to honor you, please say thank you out loud, or bow your head, or smile at least. ( fyi I prefer the right for communication with spirits)
5. If one eye is stronger than the other, the spirit may just want you to see it clearly. This could be another honor.
6. Draw a picture of your house, doesn't have to be complex. Use a ruler to see if the house leans over one side or the other. If it leans to the same side as the spirit keeps manifesting, well you need to consider that it is only a perception and not really how the spirit looks. Usually it isn't just your eyes that see the spirit, but all of your other senses.
7. If you turn your head, does it follow along? This may be a sign that the spirit is intimately communicating with you through your mind.. Or, on a more medical note, that you need to get your eyes checked in case of retinal detachment or glaucoma. Very very very serious and important and I do not say this in levity. See your doctor right away if you also tend to see flashes of light or lightening and strange shades in your peripheral vision. This could still be spiritual activities, but better safe than blind.
8. Does the spirit tend to hang on that side everywhere you go?
9. Is the spirit hanging about an object or space it is connected to?

Sometimes spirits appear on one side rather than another as a message. They might not be able to easily communicate and these basic gestures is all that spirit has. 

I hope this was at least a bit helpful. Remember, if you have a question, feel free to ask at aroolu-blogger at yahoo dot ca, or any of the addresses I have posted on this site. They all start with aroolu (aroolu-deadconversations at yahoo dot ca) as they are address guarded in case of threats, both serious and tedious. If you want to talk about this article, a problem you have, or have a question, request, I welcome your letters and enjoy getting them. My constant and disabling pain restricts when I can answer, but be sure I read them. Also feel free to resend your letter in case I didn't get it.

Much love, and don't forget to keep your eyes and mind open to our obscure neighbors.