Friday, February 16, 2007

Another Note on Hell

Our eyes open up, shedding their lids, when we cross from "living" to "dead". If anything, this place is a womb - and the place outside life is as big as this universe is compared to a human womb. Although being here is certainly no waste of time. We must learn, we must shed our guilt and doubts before we die, and we must help other people do the same. If we have lots of guilt and doubts.. well we're going to have lots of schooling to do upon the last breath in our lungs. Of course this afterlife school isn't so bad for most of us.

Murderers, Rapists, and generally people who hurt others in malice.. well they have quite a lot of time in what I like to call "Boot Camp on Crack". Most people call it Hell. Boot camp here on Earth would be a Disney vacation compared to the Crucible of Purification that comes after evil doer's death. Souls can spend centuries getting "fixed" by spiritual teachers. This fixing can be agony, it can be a constant loop of the crime or crimes that continue until the soul sees what it did wrong. It can be their idea of Hell: fire and brimstone, ice and isolation, whatever the mind fears. "Scare them straight" says one spirit.

More on this later, as I'm fascinated by it, and spirits have a lot to say on the subject.