Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ghost Tantrums

Just like any humans, there are easy-going spirits, and their are spirits that just can't control their emotions. They take things to heart, too seriously, and make mountains out of mole hills.

Now, through the process of dying and learning the mysteries that lay beyond (if they so choose to discover, they can learn more and more) - there is a certain number of those bad people that become good people.. so the good thing about the afterlife is that there are less "morons" there, then there are living.. so breathe a sigh of relief ;)

But for those spirits who remain untouched by the miracles beyond, their time can sometimes be spent "haunting" houses, people, places, and objects. They can hold on to these things with bullheaded tooth and nail. They will, theoretically, get to the "light" place in the afterlife - but some of them can take quite a long time of nasty behavior before they get to that stage.

Ghost Tantrums are just the same as human tantrums - a lot of energy that comes from frustration, feeling like they aren't being heard, or anger. In hauntings, doors can be slammed, things can be broken, the room temperature can drop, you can suddenly feel very angry for no reason - or very afraid.. Many people that contact me with hauntings have that emotionally uncharacteristic change when the ghost is on its tantrum, and this is the ghost's broadcast of its own feelings.

What do you do when ghosts do this?

First of all, getting frustrated or angry will make the spirit angrier or it will please the spirit and consequently encourage this behavior in the future. It's best to try to "listen" to any of the emotions you feel during this time, to any words that are being projected, or to what the spirit is actually doing. If it's continuously dropping a framed picture of you and your current boyfriend - it may be a protective spirit telling you to get away from this person. If it's continuously throwing a calendar off the wall, be careful to check your calendar/agenda - are you missing something, forgetting something? If the spirit makes you feel lonely, or you feel intensely loneliness for no reason, the spirit could be feeling alone. Then you might want to talk to it, tell it to go to the light place. Or it may be telling you that you are missing a part of your life, that you need to fill. Sometimes it's a family member telling you to do something.

So, basically, find out what it wants, who it is. Or you can just tell the ghost to go away, if it feels very negative. (Personally I always find out who it is and what it wants, in case it is a family spirit.) If you don't have time to find out who/what it is, and it's just completely bothersome - do this:

In a firm yet polite voice, tell the spirit to go to the place of light, to leave you alone. Tell it you appreciate it trying to warn you, but you can't understand it - so there's no point in trying! Then, tell it goodbye.

If the tantrums persist, well it's good to get someone who can talk to spirits (me for example, or a local psychic/medium) to find out what it wants. Usually if it's just a "what does it want" - I don't charge, since it doesn't take up much time/energy on my part.