Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Increased Spiritual Activity

I like to have connections with spiritual people around the world in order to have a network of senses for times of increased or decreased spiritual activity. It gives me a good sense of the ebbs and flows of either spiritual forces or the human perception of those forces. One big thing about my research into spirits is that I try to see it from many perspectives to understand them and what souls really are - my main intellectual focus in this time I have here in a body. My, and dare I say OUR main purpose is to learn, help others learn, and to love. In this article (which I wrote already but it was rudely deleted by happenstance), I want to talk about preliminary findings of my experience with this web of senses, and also my personal experiences with increased spirit activity. First off, clarity of communication is required, I think.

In order to describe spiritual concepts to the fullest, I want to define the words or phrases I use which cause me concern. Part of this is to describe my experiences accurately so that you may delve into them, and without elucidation of some abstract feelings or concepts I will use in this article, I would fail miserably. Definitions can vary from post to post, and when they do, or when I want to update them, I will have a definition list.

Spirits: Non corporeal phenomenon associated with Earthly life. That is, our bodiless souls and that of animals and other life on Earth.
Spiritual Activity: Changes, either rapid or slow, sensed in spirits. This can be movement, communication, changes in projected appearance, changes in mood, or even the type of communication - are they showing me images or using a direct flow of thoughts?
Movement (when used with the term spirits): although it seems like spirits can be in many places at once, including the commonly used term "Other Side" with its revolving door (so to speak) - sometimes spirits move in this world as if they were still living - ie. walking down a street or walking up stairs etc. I use movement in this Earthly context.
Other Side: A place where spirits can be that is ostensibly not on Earth but seems to be like a shared creative place. What you wish can be made to a certain extent, and many spirits go there to meet each other. I have been privileged to be shown this place and it is the most beautiful place I have ever witnessed. It seems to be a meeting place, a world that is beyond massive and has a perfect, dreamlike quality of eternal peaceful creativity and sunshine and grace. I like to call it Heaven as it seems to fit the bill. I have spoken to many people that have seen the same place and it fills me with joy that when my education here on Earth is done, I will get to walk there as opposed to just being shown.
Spiritual Abundance: A grouping of spirits much larger than what is normal for the area, time, date, etc.
The Web: A group of trusted people around the world that let me know when spiritual energy is high, spiritual activity is higher, and unusual spiritual phenomenon is witnessed. I find trust when they are consistently on par with the rest of the web nearby etc.

The Web
Although I would like to have more people in the Web*, the small group already has given me insights into the spiritual world. I am so grateful to those who are giving invaluable advice on the subject.
Spiritual Activity ranges from barely visible to impossible to ignore, and can be terrifying or beautiful or even funny or cute. I have often watched spirals of joyful spirits congregating and finding happiness in groups and in the sensations of their mingling. It makes me so happy that others have seen this too and revelled in it as I have on many occasions.
A friend in South East Texas and one in Orange County, Florida recently observed a long chain of spirits - flowing from coast inland. One saw this as a single spirit, the other as a group of spirits - but they both observed the strange and massive energy at the same time! A friend in Yugoslavia witnessed increased spiritual energy - a feeling of dread and warning - just before a friend in Japan felt the very same thing, both felt it again the next weekend. I couldn't find anything in the news like an accident or abnormal news story, and neither of them sensed more than that dread. To my knowledge, neither of them had felt that before or since. Maybe these events will share no earth-shattering secrets, but they let us know things that may help in our understanding of spiritual existence and behaviour. Like pieces of a puzzle in which the final image is unknown.
One thing I have learned through the Web so far is that spirits can travel in our physical world. They can move like weather systems or migrations of animals, sometimes with clear purpose.. others baffling. A group of spirits was over England and France for the better part of a year! Why? Who are they? Were they watching humans like a reality TV show.. or watching loved ones? Or perhaps there are groups of spirits like this all the time and they mostly go unnoticed. Questions! The more questions that lead to questions, the better. Getting a plain answer is just no fun ;)
I have often read about groups of spirits being present for sporting events, especially grand do's like the Olympics (including special and para), the Grey Cup, the Super Bowl, the Stanley Cup playoffs, World Series, etc. Or around accidents or battlefields, hospitals, inaugurations and coronations, even around the filming of a movie!
And so, as I find helpful many times, I put myself in the shoes of a spirit. They, like their corporeal neighbours (us), are curious. Humans are still humans once dead - I mean sure there are grand changes° like a second, more drastic puberty, but they are still humans. Some are rubber necks and want to see what happened in an accident, just like some humans, or they want to help the newly dead•, or even try and help the living in the accident by swaying others to find them or change a detrimental treatment. Humans also love to be entertained, and as I have posted before (The Importance of Entertainment and Theaters ) dead humans are no different in that aspect. Sure they have new, unimaginable to us, entertainments such as blending thoughts and creativity - but there are things like good old movies and sports and theatre and concerts and so much more here on physical Earth that never seem to outgrow their awesome appeal.
More to come on how to join the Web, not sure when but I am doing my homework on forums etc. I would have to set up ads or donations to keep a good forum going however.

Personal Experiences with Increased Spiritual Activity
Throughout my life I have seen spirits in small numbers and massive numbers. From seeing only a spirit or two a week to beholding a countless mass of individual spirits in a single hour or day.
Recently, as it inspired this post, I saw a rise in spiritual activity and abundance - I went from seeing a surprisingly low number of uncommunicative spirits to a large group of talkative and quickly changing spirits. This event occurred Friday the 30th of January 2015. Locally, I could not find anything that day, before it or after it that would drum up spiritual activity. Globally, well most spirits are immensely agitated. I don't want this to be about the warring going on, perhaps I will do a post about what spirits think about this war but it's pretty straight forward - violence creates violence and damages souls. People who gladly die in their cause find the afterlife unpleasantly haunted by their past deeds. As a spirit reads the words I type, he says, "always war continues without because it continues within."
Sometimes it's the time of year. The period between mid October and mid November has always been a time of increased clarity of my communications with them, also increase activity. Never fails. I have spoken to others that agree and sense the same. World cultures have found this period to be the 'thinning of the barriers between the living and the dead' - a time when spirits can be seen or felt more heartily. I have often pondered why. Is it because of Harvest Time in the Northern Hemisphere? When Harvest is done, there is more time to turn the mind inward, time to think about life and what life's harvest will be. Is it the reminder of death from deciduous trees shedding their leaves? But some Souther Hemisphere countries feel the same increase at this time. Is it due to the Earth's position around the Sun? Or is it something more? Perhaps our minds are turned to the coming Winter and the hardships therein, and we are more apt to pray for help? I don't know, what I do observe is that that period of time increases the clarity of communications, the clarity of my perception of spirits, and I gain and lose more energy** from communications.
When I am in too much pain to bear, I notice spirits will generally flock to observe, help lessen the pain through contact°°, or even try and distract me from the intense pain.
When there is a death nearby (car accident, hospital patient, etc) - spirits will congregate - I sense their communication, a welcoming feeling, a feeling of relaxed calm, everything is alright.. and best of all, of reunion. Blessed reunion with long dead family members and friends.. and pets. What a wonderful universe we live in where death is merely a "see you later" and not a full goodbye. I don't want to bring my religious beliefs into this, as I want you to just experience what I experienced, not the beliefs of my faith. I am to reverent of it to ask spirits more about such things.
Increased spiritual activity reminds of of a flock of crows, marking where death may be but not always. Sometimes it is an item of curiosity. Sometimes it is a congregation of beings. Sometimes entertainment. I just wanted to share the image, although I am not saying that spirits of humans have less intellect or whatever.
Sometimes increased spiritual activity is seen within a single spirit.. When I ask a question they don't want to answer or a question they were hoping you'd ask, spirits can change their energy from slow and nebulous to moving faster than hummingbird wings as they beat to stay in air. Changes in speed of communication, changes in volume of communication both intensity wise and bulk wise of content.
Sometimes, a spirit is upset, and can change from being a flicker in your peripheral vision to full manifestation. Spirits do not manifest willy nilly, it is major concentration and intense intent for being seen. It is a message in itself, and in scary encounters, it almost always means get out. I call it the GTFO Stare ;) . This is what typically happens in hauntings of homes when it was a previous owner. This is its territory and it wants you out. Manifestation (in physical form viewable by anyone) is another subject I would like to share, perhaps the rarest spiritual activity of all.
In joyful encounters, manifestation's message is often much nicer.. although there are spirits that have no idea what they look like to views and malicious hauntings can be inferred from such a benign intent. So instead of you seeing a cute little girl waving and being kind.. you see a small humanoid shape with black holes for eyes and no lips! I have had panic attacks seeing such spiritual communications, sometimes running away much to my later regret, but I am still trying to be brave and patient with them. Think about it this way - you are pure spirit and can show yourself to a living human (who may or may not believe in ghosts) but you must concentrate your consciousness into a form by willfully concentrating on each part all at once.. but your time is limited as the person you want to show yourself to might leave any minute. Arms, check. Legs, check. Dress, check. Hands and feet, check. Okay time to wave or smile.. oh crap.. I forgot lips, I forgot eyes.. ears.. oh dangit.. Sometimes spirits will correct themselves quickly enough to relax the living person.. sometimes they'll be confused and won't know what they forgot. Why was the person screaming? Don't they see you're their long lost sweetheart? Rude! Most spirits stay away from manifesting as it often is more trouble than it is worth. As a fun exercise, try picturing each part of yourself, then try smiling meanwhile thinking of all the changes in the face that smiling creates.. and you will begin to truly understand why some spirits smile but have a blank expression on their face. Moreover, try other things like walking, talking, etc. This gives us a great understanding of why spirits are scary or off-putting when manifested, and explains a great deal of why most try to just show an image of something like a symbol of letters etc instead of full body motion. Some spirits have it down pat, though.

A Few More Words
There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of reasons spirits change their activity level, from a local death to a global trouble, from a wrongly worded question to a joyful moment, from manifestation to a period of thoughtlessness. Sometimes it can be as simple as being excited by an event, person, or comment, and other times it can be complex and as yet unknowable. I have shared some observations and I look forward to add more friends to observe around the world, and I am always glad you take interest in my humble writings. At the core, it is a weight lifted when I share these things, it's akin to knowing an amazing secret and not being able to tell anyone for fear of hatred, rejection, or cruelty. The internet is a boon, a pre-spirit form that lets us communicate in ways that were once impossible unless you were a spirit. The time we have here to learn in physical form is of the utmost importance, and gathering together in shared interest is a wonderful way to learn. As always, I thank you for your letters and again - as always, it can take even years for me to reply depending on my illness and workload - but, again that word always, I cherish each letter dearly.

*I am currently setting up a type of forum where spiritual activity can be shared, but finding a way to keep spammers and the aptly named "trolls" out is a deep concern of mine.

°Changes such as no hunger, no thirst, no physical pain, no nagging hormones, no sleep - of course this is a leap of observation. I have known spirits to lust after other spirits and humans, to hunger at the sight of a cake, to feel some sort of pain and have a kind of sleep.. It's just different as far as I can tell. I am still asking and asking them, when they'll have me.

•Being newly deceased can be an extremely confusing time. It seems to greatly help to see other spirits when you are newly dead in order to realize that you are indeed dead. One of the tragedies of spirits is when someone thinks they are still alive, it can take much time to realize without the aid of others. Family usually helps, but if no one knows you that is dead, there isn't always a helpful spirit to find you right away - although it usually starts to be extremely plain when they are unseen by other people. This doesn't happen often, and it all seems to work out in the end.

**Communicating with spirits can either give me energy or take it. I do not know the cause but I have some ideas - such as some readings require more concentration, some readings are depressing emotionally, some readings are uplifting, some readings give me hope for the cure for my illnesses, etc. When I say energy, I mean the difference between feeling energetic and feeling fatigued, not some otherworldly force or light or sensation.

°°There is a spirit close to my heart who will put his large hand on my back as he did when he was alive, I feel this amazing sensation - like a bright sunbeam that doesn't burn mixed with joy and peace. It's amazing and wonderful and ah! so inspiring. He isn't always paying attention to me, he has many others in the family to look after lol, but when my pain is nasty enough, he just seems to sense it and comes to my aid.

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