Thursday, January 16, 2014

How Can Someone Who Can't See Ghosts Communicate with Ghosts?

Is it possible? Yes. Absolutely. However, it's not always possible for you to get a clear answer - or any sort of easy answer. For that, I am sorry for the grief you go through, no being should have to deal with death. It's the hardest lesson of this world, even if you can see spirits. I know there is an afterlife, but death affects me greatly too. Sure I can see and feel spirits, but spirit contact is not as comforting as living human. I think because when people die, they see a freedom so vast and wonderful, it's hard to stay in one place. They go into phases of focus, phases of travel, phases of watching the living - and that is well-adjusted spirits!
So, someone has died that you miss, and you didn't get to tell them something important - this is something each one of us could experience. How do you tell them? How do you set a date to speak with a spirit? The answer is simple.
Communicating with the Dead - Saying Something
  1. Choose a time of day where you can relax, set aside 10-20 mins, make it a date/appointment in your daily or weekly routine. Find a calm, relaxing place.
  2. Get objects that remind you of that person: photographs, letters, jewelry, clothes, keepsakes, lock of hair etc. This isn't for a spell, it's to create an atmosphere of welcoming that person, showing them that you are talking to them directly. This can work for groups or individual ghosts. The traditional place in history to do this is a graveyard, but your home works just as well, I promise.
  3. Take deep, slow breaths, about 10-30, until your mind is calmer and your muscles relax a bit. For those of you who do meditation, this should take a lot less (5). You do not need to know how to meditate, but it helps.
  4. Picture the person in your mind, and say their name, nickname, last name.. Just say them all in the tone/volume you would if they were in the next room. If you are in a place where people can hear you do this, you can think and say the name at the same time. The loudness isn't that important, but it tends to focus the mind - so just thinking/feeling the name when you say it is focus enough. Alternatively, and what I do, focus on the name of the person with all your mind and heart, you can whisper the name. Do that for 30 seconds to two minutes.
  5. Tell them you will set time (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) to talk with them if you want this to be a regular date. Say it out loud. Tell them that you have something to say and you need them to focus on you for a short time.
  6. Talk to them. Just like you would someone who is being quiet and focusing on you. They are listening. They can hear you. Say all you need to, but they will tell you if they need to go somewhere - you will feel pressured to wrap things up. It's funny that they do that, but also important that you wrap it up as they may have to do something very important - saving a loved one, for example.
  7. If you want this to be a repeat event, tell them you will see them at that time - state the time and place clearly, you can repeat it a few times, slow and clearly.
If you set a date and don't bother to show up, they won't show up either the next time - depending on the personality! Be respectful and so will they. Be on time and so will they. Although if they were easily distracted in this life, chances are they may still be distracted. Be patient.
If you are worried they did not get the message the first time, repeat it the next scheduled time. Sometimes spirits are too busy with other things, they can divide their attention in many avenues but not infinitely. Repeat, repeat, repeat :)
Next post I will tell you how to listen for their answers. Thank you for reading, I am glad to share these experiences with you to help in the pains of grief. Although grief is an important part of our lessons here in our bodies, I strongly believe humans were supposed to go through it seeing or at least sensing spirits, our natural state.
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