One does not have to butter people with panic and urgency and fear of death in order to show the supernatural. The truth is much more unsettling yet hopeful, not OMGRunForCover!!! unsettling, but that unsettling that makes us rethink our place in the universe, the meaning of life, the place that came before time and space. How wonderful it is that we have this doorway into that place!
Let me give you my insights into 2012 for today. Disasters come in grest frequency, especially since reporting has evolved with the glorious internet opening its web to amateur videos and reporting. Everyone is a reporter, should they choose that mantle. It is our duty to eachother and our future selves to report the truth, especially if popular reporting media fails to do so or fails to report certain things inside the truth's sphere.
Disasters happen each year. This year Hurricane Irene will swirl and rage across the Eastern North America.. Had it been 2012, people would perhaps panic doubly so.. Armageddon, the Rapture, the Great Shifting. I will not pretend that humans are dumb, as I know we are clever, and I know we can be stupid - especially in a mob of people. Our herd mentality is different from our individual mentality. I don't presume you don't know all I am saying, as most likely this is old news and trite, but I need to write what I am thinking. What I am thinking and writing may be trite but perhaps the is a chance I will put it in a way it'll be useful, or someone out there will find useful.
I also do not say that the whole 2012 thing is impossible. I talk to and witness the deceased.. I see energies around people.. I can see the future from the minds of the dead.. So I cannot in good conscience say it is impossible that something will indeed happen. Same way I cannot in same conscience say that we're Brains in a Vat (look it up if unfamiliar.. Very cool) or somesuch.
So what can I say about the dreaded 2012?
- Spirits are not worried for the living. Protective deceased are not taking any extra measures to my knowledge. No extra influencing. I am only one person, so I cannot speak for others true mediums' experiences/communicstions.
- People panicking can create disasters.
- Collective unconscious filled with panic is bound to spread more panic.
- Mayans saw time as a cycle, not as a finite line. Such wisdom! Of course their calendars were based on more ancient calendars from the area, they evolved those ancient calendars to further refinement and philosophized on time and its measurement. Sure they had alleged belief in the creators having made the world in several test runs.. Something not to the creators' liking enough would end up on the Redo list. Earth becomes a ball of clay to be remade into something better.
- Some Mayans would cut pieces of themselves off and use that as an offerring to the Gods. Once in a while, good things would happen, and thus the sacrifice was proven to work. One should factor in coincidence, such as those found in prophecies. I have often told clients to take everything I say with a grain of salt if it is vague as centuries of false soothsayers have relied upon coincidence (amongst many other things) to keep them in business. Vague prophesies, if made in great number, guarentee successful appearance of being a futureseer. Detailed and clear prophesies, with things so detailed the probability of coincidental success is near impossible, should be given more credence. When I give postal codes, telephone numbers, full strange names, addresses, etc - I know I am in the right zone for a good reading of clarity and accuracy. When my readings are vague, I give the money back unless I can get good detail. I keep trying and trying until I get the detail, even if it takes weeks or months, as vagueness is my nemesis in readings. I hate people who rely on cold readings to TRICK people... Truth will evolve us, not petty money-grubbers. If someone does cold readings and tells people that is what they are doing, for entertainment, that's okay.. But people who do it to trick and make a fortune.. Disgust me, anger me. The messages from the deceased are sacred. Prophesies are no different, prophecies which are genuinely faked for the purpose of creating mass hysteria and in turn make them money.. That is forcung humans to take steps back in spiritual evolution: giving a bad name to mediumship, clairvoyance, etc - the real deals that help people and help humans to see the afterlife as something to look forward to - not fear - and learning that staying alive as long as possible is a necessity to our spiritual growth.
- Many of the sites speaking of the 2012 'prophecy' differ WILDLY from actual research into Mayan calendars and farseeing. They get key facts wrong at the beginning or during of their thought process, which can screw up the philosophy and prophecy into a twisted image of what it is.
- Even masters of Mayan culture are still working on building upon what they know. Some theories and ideas must be proven still. These people have devoted their lives to the Maya.. And some NON-archeologist/NON-anthropologist bloggers think that they know more. Quite a disconnect.
- Most seers will not touch ancient prophecy with a ten mile pole... The images and languages these people communicate with will be spotty at best, confusing most likely, and impossible to know for sure. Ancient spirits, I would say anything older than a few hundred years, have been so long away from being living and embodied that they are rather different in communication. Out of practice. It isn't often they find a medium, and even more rare they find one that understands them. The pure thought-transferral without words or language systems of any kind only work well if the medium is focused, relaxed, and in perfect mental state... From my experience., it is hard to keep cool headed when such a blast of information clocks you in the side of the head. Doable, but much is lost in the communication.. Too much to rely on for true accuracy. With practice and luck, you get a nice chunk of information meat to chew on.. The really tricky part is writing it down fast enough, legible enough, and enough to make sense and accurate translation of said knowledge. So much room for error! Scribbling is too mistake-breeding, speaking is too slow, and typing gives a chance of computer error.. Virus checker pops up, power out, saving error.. Etc.. A perfect storm of perfect conditions and the communication is safe and sound and accurate.. But then, will people believe you in the midst of hundreds of thousands of fake mediums?? And it might be boring stuff to the masses, like how they made corn sacrifices or clothing in the culture.. But fascinating to a the wrong group.. Scientists need irrefutable proof that said medium is real, and... Well.. This field, mediumship, is not one of irrefutable proof. Yet.
Okay now I'm pooped. Short summary: don't worry. Read up on Maya. Read up on various theories and write down differences. Perhaps the truth is in the differences. Perhaps the truth is in what is not said. Between the lines has always been a source of great knowledge and discovery. Happy and productive hunting, my fellow seekers! :)

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