Monday, April 15, 2013

Drones, Buzzing, and Sine Songs: Strange Sounds Ghosts Make

I was reading an article just now about Near Death Experiences (NDE's) when I read that some people experience a buzzing or ringing sound during these events. Some people without Out of Body Experiences (OBE's) say the same thing. Sometimes it is like a bug or natural sound, sometimes very mechanical. I immediately put down the article and Googled other sonic experiences of this kind. Many people hear this.

During my decades of experience, I may have stumbled upon an insight I haven't read about. Perhaps, perhaps not. The point of this log is to keep all these experiences public and written in detail and in truth.

The Dead make these buzzing sounds.

Back in the 1980's, when I first saw movies like Terminator and Aliens - with new computer generated sounds - these sounds struck a chord in me. The people who spoke to me in dreams and hung out at the end of my bed MADE similar sounds. The people who helped me at school that people seemed to ignore made noises like that.. As a child I thought these were imaginary friends, something to scare my friends with - bogeymen I had to shoo for said friends and young relatives in dark places.
Those weird sounds were too brief! I hated that!! I needed to hear more! These sounds felt good and felt like I had a memory that wanted to be remembered.
In the mid 90's I heard Nine Inch Nails for the first time, The Downward Spiral. More of these sounds, but longer. More of a variety. I quickly became an ardent fan. More sounds. Closer to the spirits' sounds. Getting further hungry for more of these sounds between albums, I adored musical artists like (in no particular order) Download (Cevin Key {sp}), Lustmord, Frontline Assembly, VNV Nation, and of course Aphex Twin.
(Tons more bands, but these will suffice for now, unless you wish to have a more complete list?)
They had managed to reproduce these very specific sounds using machines, computers and specific programs which generated fantastically sibling sounds to the ones my noncorporeal friends made. I needed these programs! I got a few of them and started playing with sounds, but also making songs as it was great fun and people seemed to like them sometimes. I remember playing with CoolEdit and Impulse Tracker one night with my spirit friends, stretching out a mix of sine waveforms with a recording of a screen door hinge married faithfully to it. Slow it down, speed it up.. Tossing that sound salad for a while till it sounded right.
"What is that sound?" I asked, no - more like begged the spirit.
"Us." It replied in kind of a shrugging tone. By tone I mean it expressed that through direct communication.
What a thrilling moment for me! I experimented more and more and attempted more metaphysical mimicry. Spirits were curious, interested, and sometimes maybe even offput by these sounds - offerring at times the ol' sentiment of: is that what I sound like?

But it isn't just sound. That is the missing element I was trying to find in my experiments - what's missing? The sound is identical but I don't quite feel "there" yet. Inside these sounds are direct, I wanna say emotional, communications.. But it's not always emotion.

I want to describe a few examples of these sensory mixes as best I can for you to experience. Each occurence and sound example described is a unique experience - not something wanting to be in the lexicon or English/Ghostish translation of ghost communications (as far as I can tell.)

- Imagine a robotic (reminds me of the old Cylon robot voice {I love BSG}) voice moaning very slowly low to high, slowed down and slightly separated by that decrease in speed - like a spooky mechanical vibrato. At the same time - feel an emptiness in the pit of your stomach. A deep worrisome emptiness that spreads length and bredth - panic attack's background sensation- brief nonimage flashes of what I can describe as black flaking gloss paint on slate - not the image of slate but its its dry thirst and smooth to the touch coolness - the paint is not paint but flaking skin being peeled off - the skin is dead, it doesn't hurt but feels wrong. Like peeling off skin from a bad sunburn after a few days of getting that burn. The gloss is the sensation on eye and finger of that gloss. A hugely variegated poetic language I adore!

- Imagine the sound of a corpulent wasp or bee - obviously bees and wasps don't have blubber but add that sentiment to the mix of things there - but recorded on an old timey microphone - tinny, scratchy, with infrequent hollow crackles. You feel as if you are twice as heavy as you are normally, your body overwhelmed, and your senses filled with sharp lime or lemon zest - not the taste, but the sensation you get from smelling lemon or lime zest - too much - in your nose - biting at your sensory organs.
(Note: During an episode of "Adventuretime with Finn and Jake", a line was brought to my attention - comparing the smells of a new pack of CDRs (CD's you pop in your computer to burn music or data on) to Electric Celery.. I loved that marriage of image and sense. Perfect inspiration to help describe these things. A surprisingly poetic animated "kids" series. I don't judge cartoon viewers' age. One can find artistic merit in some shows deemed for youth, inspiration, and of course joy.) Onwards!

- You feel ultra awake. A high pitch crystalline whining drone, a struggling, frail, and wilting mechanical sound ringing in the distance, meanwhile a hard buzzing sound migrates from ear to ear. Side to side really, as moving your head will not change it. At the same time you feel the force of willpower, someone or something wants something to occur so much that it might just happen. The feel of crenalline under a recently burned fingertip.

- Lastly for now, a simpler example. The sound like the beep of a TV test pattern coupled with some hammering "thuck-k-k" resonating hits. Little sporadic blips. You feel full, satisfied, sleepy.
(TV test pattern is that screen late at night or during technical difficulties on a tv channel - usually several bars of many colours, sometimes with the channel logo)

These bursts of sensory data are hard to put into words, and I assume they are harder to read and try to experience for yourself, but I want to record these thoughts as a way for us to possibly work out what this could mean.. And all we can hope to do is the best we can. I will update this article if I can find better ways of describing.

Many questions fill my mind that have haunted me (punintended) throughout hearing and experiencing these sounds. I have talked to spirits about these, and I have pointed out these sounds to people for some time now, and I have meditated. A few theories have developed from observations.

1. Effort makes this sound?
A lot of the time, but not exclusively, these sounds accompany a spirit's struggling effort. Trying hard to manifest; trying to move something, either inanimate or animate; trying to communicate when there is ample challenges in doing so; trying to influence the 'living', thoughtwise ... Trying to communicate with those deaf and blind to ghosts.

2. On occasion the sounds accompany sufferring - emotional pain and anxiety. A ghost called Herald/Harold/Herold (not sure how he spells it) recently (the day I started this article) came to me during a moment when I was reading dead conversations related mail.
He suffered emotional pain when he knew his daughter/niece/similar relationship to that was about to be put in a dangerous situation. The sound accompanied all his communications. He wanted me to post about her future situation but he strained through his worry and anxious pain. During a half hour, we managed to discourse a few items - his name, gender, worry, pain, the little girl walking into a difficult situation this summer. I told him after this article I am writing about sounds, I will write his plea. I have taken the notes and since he is not in a deadly hurry, we agreed as long as it is published before May 9th 2013 - she will be safe.
Anyways, whenever he would stop to figure out what precisely needed to be said, the noise arose. (Pink, wet spots on powdery light greybrown pink accompanied by a high pitched engine whine and pulsing pistonlike clucking.) it reminded me of someone urgently speaking - not fluent in a given language asking someone rhetorically "how you say...?" or "what's the word..?" etc then remembering the word they wanted to say and returning to full composure. Next I will post his message.

3. Distorted by crossed lines in the brain? Perhaps it has to do with some scientific process involved in ghosts. I hate to sound flakey, so please excuse me - but perhaps a electromagnetic phenomena accompanies spirits or their influence on us? The part of my brain that receives or processes communications from the Dead might cross wires/pathways with what processes another things like EMF. Or perhaps ghosts are on that elecromagnetic frequency, or ARE beings of elecromagnetism. Maybe I have that stuck in my mind.
Do other folk sensitive to spirits get these sounds? And why do people with OBE's or NDE's hear these sounds? Are they in fact the same sounds? Or something divurgent?
Oh - in the case I forget:
BNPF = Being Not in a Physical Form (c)2013 Luciella ;). I am playing with this as an alternative to ghost or spirit.

4. Perhaps my mind, or the human mind in general is too slow or inadequate in other ways to receive and process certain forms of communications the BNPF make? Like a smell our noses deem similar to another that is acutally quite different? A sloppy analogy but it'll do for now. Or like when there is a room filled with people talking, we can sometimes hear a roaring sound. I have a CD I meditate with called Ultimate Om (I don't remember the publisher etc, sorry, but I got it on Amazon) that has a large room (maybe hundreds of people) chanting Om. The combined "Om"/"Aum" soundwave oscillates as the different voices' frequencies interact to create whistling sounds, flute sounds and beautiful tones! A fancy/abbreviated way of saying those people repeating "Om"/"Aum" don't say it exactly at the same time or speed - and the group make different parts of that sound at the same time - in randomized patterns: those patterns become new overlaying sounds. Wonderful! Could it be this is what the noise is? Multiple communications from a single source (or multiple from multiple sources) interplaying to create brand new sensory input?

I have more theories but I am scared to overwork and stop this roll of being able to write more lately. I will write again about this at another time. And I will also do that listening list soon too. Feel free to remind me if you want to read it.

- Posted using BlogPress by Luciella