Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Spirit Messages for May

* Some swearing in this post *

Before I continue with the noise series, I wanted to get some spirits' messages out. Half because I think it's important, and the other half so I can sleep easier without them pressuring me to do so ;) I want to make this a monthly series, or at the very least seasonal. As always I appreciate your input on the matter. I have also decided to post a link to my email on the site, and will dig through the spam -I value your input and thoughts more than I hate spam digging 😉 It will appear soon. Wish me luck!

    I will not spell or grammar check the messages in case the mistake is on purpose or part of their writing/speaking style. Sorry for the mess.

    Also coming up - a reader's letter about a famous cocaine kingpin that may be the identity of one of the spirits that contacted me. I hope to do this before summer, but I had some friends help me with research and my mails keep getting bounced back from the sender. Just thought to mention as it is pretty exciting.

Message One:
Tell Nancy I love her. Greek Nancy. The one with the curly hair and a dimple below her right eye. I want to see her again but I can't find her. Please if you are out there.. please remember me. I died when you were 9. My name started with a G.. I think. It's been a while. Thanks.

Message Two:
I didn't die by drug overdose. The media was fed lies again and didn't fact check deep enough. I remember feeling nauseas and throwing up this foamy beige mess - they took pictures of me and put me on the internet. Those fucks. I was murdered. My sister (I think the spirit calls her Charlene but I could be wrong - I will research this for later) knows who did it. It was poison, the police thought so but they got to me too late. I can see my sister on the computer.. and she had to see my death pictures.. what the fuck human kind. It wasn't even educational. They laughed at me. I did drugs, sure, but goddamn nothing like that. I was always careful, never came close to death. I had money in the safe place. I want you to know, sis, I wasn't overdosing or trying to kill myself. Mom's here and she says she loves you. She hates it when I swear. Montana is here too. Linda was here, but she's been gone a while. To my fans - I wouldn't kill myself. You were such a big part of my life, I was happy and I was about to propose. Ask Ken. Thanks and peace.
Notes: I don't think he was a huge star or anything, but an up and coming. In his 20s or very early 30s. Curly black hair. Dark eyes, mocha skin. Nice guy. Smells like fruity licorice.

Message Three:
Okinawa. You were there with me. Thank you old man. I was 16. I still am. We were a mess. I can't believe you have great grand kids.. you look like my grandpa. You made good kids and good grandkids and good great grand kids. I was with you teaching him to fish, that was me who herded the fish your way. I am still in Okinawa, thanks to you. I would have hated to have been a POW like you, did you feel me? I was next to you the whole time. We all were. Hands on your shoulders and we cried. We can still cry. My mother... you didn't have to be so nice to her, thank you. You took good care of her until she came to me. Father, too. They were proud of me but I wished I had done things differently. Maybe I would be a great grandpa, too. But I am happy, you need to know that. I'm not being tortured by demons or anything like that. It's like Father's house, only bigger - the garden too. We visit a lot with the old boys. They have trouble talking to the living. Some went off and didn't want to see us. You can sell your war junk. Sell your stupid collections. Your family wants to see you health and so do we. Your sister is here sometimes, I loved her you know! I think she loves me but I am too much of a coward to ask. Maybe sometime, then I will treat her well. Cancer she died of, near her heart inside her lungs. I have to go soon. Lots of people here. Don't join me before your time, so sell your collections and get help soon for your sickness. Goodbye and see you when your turn is up.
And stop wearing jeans you look ridiculous they are too tight for an old man! (he laughs)
Notes: this is a Japanese man, a handsome man with a short bowl cut hairdo which he says the old man will understand - he has deep brown eyes and piano players' hands. He died from an explosion in Okinawa. His English is impeccable.

Message Four:
"Day. Come." ( I hear a bus on a busy street) "Get ready. Come."
A woman, yelling as if across a street. She has puffy brown hair, white skin, hazel green eyes, pink shirt with a deep collar, blue jeans rolled up at the calves. I have no idea what she's talking about, but it's not asking someone to jump in front of a bus! She has lotto tickets in one hand. She then sits at a table with a single candle and smiles. A gorgeous woman. She can't talk, it's hard for her. The table is circular, wooden (hard wood, dense grain) - rooster salt and pepper shaker. She shows a ouija board. Laughs - looks like she's laughing. Bare feet. I hear a dog barking. It's late 70s early 80s fashion, cars, and decor in these images. Patty. Lauren. Toaster. Smell of toast. She's in love. Movie reel. Rope, thick rope. Car, American brand, Chevy - big wide muscle car. Umbrella with Donald Duck. Happiness. Sunshine. Newspaper folded in four. Reading it, she puts her feet up on the dash.. waiting. The last thing she ever did. Barefoot still. In that outfit of pink shirt and jeans rolled. Howling. Sirens. Hay. "Hey!" "Get up - RUN AWAY!" she hollers, so sad. "Don't go! Don't go." "Please let me be. Let me go" Mechanical sounds. Like a tow truck maybe? Loud truck either way. "Alright." "What I want is you" Loud street sounds. Coffee. A diner. Red and white diner. Horn honking. Crows cawing. Frogs chirping. Driving her to the hospital fast. Too late, Richard. Let me go. Gravel road, down south. Such back pain. The sound of her drinking from a water canteen. Mountains, forest path, climbing up the path with you. Oh God, what a beautiful sight. A bear. We saw a bear. Probably a grizzly but it didn't see or smell us. Pine cones roasting. Bracelet. Making her tired, I have to go soon. Believe in me. Believe me. You don't believe I'm still her, I am. I am not alive like you.. but I am here. I think. I feel. I'm happy. But I miss you. Coffee mug, ceramic, cat cartoon on it. Flowers. Thank you. It'll take time to forgive but time is meaningless now. Have to let her go. See you, see you Richard. Love you. I gave her a headache. Shit. Mail her when you read this. It'll be a while before you do, but do it. ok. Bye.
Notes: this was a very dreamlike communication. Difficult and start/stop and painful. I wonder why. I have seen this before but each time it catches me off guard.

    That's it for now. I am sad I couldn't do more, but she did give me a headache. No hard feelings, it happens all the time. Next post is coming up soon and I am working on making a schedule so you know when to check it.

   I hope this helps someone, that would be great. I chose these four spirits as they were very different from each other, but also because they seemed in a rush.
   I hope to one day have a forum where you can send photos of your loved ones for me to channel.

Be well and happy and cozy my friends.