This post is a two parter, and as such I will begin with the shortest part: emails!
I enjoy getting mails from you all very much! My illness and the volume of letters creates lag in my posting here. Although I have almost completed several articles, it has pained me to post less. On the subject of the Deceased there is so much to tell! I could post all my life and probably not have shared the surface of the Other Places. My beloved has shared an idea: to incorporate your questions and situations (albeit protective of identity) into the posts. I will ask any mailer, unless a difficult situation, if I can put your (identity protected) emails here to share with others whom share you queries and situations. When you mail, let me know if you are either for or against it and I will omit the question. Now, onto today's subject.
Spirits Information Sharing and Spiritual Immune Systems
Sometimes spirits will catch me right as I am about to wake up, in that calm alpha to theta state with little going on in my noggin or spirit, and enter my thoughts to "lay an egg" as some of them have put it. Quick, intense, and usually overwhelming information will be passed on and usually wake me up sweating and heart pounding.
I believe humans have a spiritual immune system that resists the usual usage of the mind by outside spirits. That immune function is at its lowest during sleep and other calming times, such as night when things are slower and less stimuli flutter about us in droves. We are more defended when our brains are more focused and subconscious busier in getting all the little pieces of information our senses feed it and our thoughts impress. It is much easier to let spirits in when we allow ourselves to be empty in thought and relaxed of body. Our spirit seems fused with our bodies during the time our bodies have life. Spirits tend to cling to life like a child to a womb and then its mother, our deaths mean leaving the nest. During the time we are alive, perhaps our bodies want to protect us from the overstimulating and sometimes dangerous influence of spirits. We are great spiritual birds waiting to fly! But we must first learn to do so.
Our cultures usually shun the spiritual and thus clip our wings until the moment we have to use to them. The spiritual immune system seems to help us from being overwhelmed, but culture makes us shy and shun our true beings thus making the immune system almost useless. So many of us shut our hearts and minds from seeing and hearing spirits, whether that is our intention or a subliminal cultural block or just being suggested too many times that: "Ghosts don't exist! Don't be stupid!" or "You will be hung, burned, or drowned for believing in such things!" or "Death is the end." it doesn't matter what made us close our eyes, we must open them as a whole. Imagine human advancement if we could instantly transfer all our knowledge to the living upon death! Imagine living without being terrified or depressed at the thought of oblivion! Imagine never having to say goodbye to loved ones at death... "Just, see you when you are metamorphosed!" As a species we would be better for it, and as individuals we would have so much less sufferring. No true death - no true loss. What would be war in such a world where the dead would see the folly and the living would have no sourness at death as a metamorphosis instead of a end? Religion would be transformed, relying less on arguments and more on pure worship of the Creating Force. Ah, what a beauty it would be.
All mediums, unless they were born in a cultural vacuum and taught by a spiritual master and seer, are blocked by all these things and therefore we struggle in the unknown to use deduction and our experiences to for opinion and teach themselves to hone the Sight. We need to be open in order to form proper classes, schools, and guilds to better our spiritual side.
So what if this life can go on without spirt sight? It is like blindfolding a seeing society because people can survive blind. Yeah, sure we can, but so much is literally hidden.. So many wonders. You can't properly feel a painting with your hands, the Northern Lights, panoramas of our beautiful world, and the look on our children's faces when love and happiness collide. Our spiritual blindness is making us suffer and wither. How may generations will it take before our "eyes" are deemed useless by evolution and culture? Although I don't think it will ever happen to have no more seers, as there is a great underground mass of us sharing and reading and trying. And speaking of blindness, the blind could have a new sense to experience the world.
The information sharing that spirits can do is quite bracing and nerve wracking. It happens once in a while, despite my pleas for spirits to warn me before they do so, and happened this morning. You see, I am in the market for a house with my Beloved and tend to be more whimsical and dreamy than practical and down to earth. Perhaps comes with the territory of being so steeped in spiritual practice and dreaming exercises! The spirit entered me during sleep and as I woke I saw a bright flash of light then a small flat mist waving like water gently disrubed, milky yet smokey, preceeded by a ball of light that truly seemed related to a soap bubble and crystal ball. All was a subdued red/puple colour. My mind and heart raced and thoughts filled my mind in hard pragmatism I never think without an alien influence. Several very specific thoughts. It shed my vision of the perfect house and left me feel used and empty.. But also thankful for the reality check. It seemed pleased by this, I think it was male and my Anglo Grandfather, but he always appears differently to me. Rarely too! I won't go into the specifics as it will not be that interesting, suffice it to say that it was extremely intelligent and insightful. My grandfather was a property developer and a very intelligent man, he rarely comes to me as he is quite an explorer as a spirit.
Before this example I have had hundreds of these quick and intense information exchanges. Some speak paragraphs in a single split second - a man walking behind me, the spirit communicates, is a bad man with priors for rape and aggrevated assault. The spirit showed me the incidents in such a short time and I high-tailed it outta there to a public place. Another time a spirit communicated a way out of being swarmed by a local gang - told me JUST what to say to diffuse the anger my friend had instilled when all I wanted to do was run. The spirit quickly showed me several outcomes and the plans before them and then suggested how to fix the situation. No beating nor anything stolen. Another less dramatic series was when I was in school taking exams. Bam! All the answers. Thank goodness for that, as fatigue and pain from my disease would have made my exam blank without the help of my beloved spirits.
Of course with every good, there is usually a bad. Some spirits use this communication to depress you to your darkest mental alleyways and junk yards. Most spirits upon meeting me will force how they died upon me, or the crimes they regret or extoll. But usually the communiqués are useful to the point of necessary.
Okay, I will write more later. Thank you for reading and meditate daily if possible. No better way to open to spiritual energies than mastering your mind and how open or closed it happens to be, and of course relaxing in a strange world.
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