Friday, April 17, 2015

The Future of Medicine (Between 2017-2115)

About This Article

I've wanted to do this for some, another reading that channels directly from a spirit through me and onto the page/ I do not allow the spirits to use my hands or body, but I invite them in my mind to communicate in a very intimate and sometimes terrifying way. I want you to experience as much of it as possible, but I am no poet - a lot might get lost in translation.

The Topic and Method

I hope to engage a spirit who wants to talk about the future of the world, in any part of the world, as it is something universal compared to asking specific questions about specific people - what is usually done. What happens next is that I relax, both body and mind, and try to empty my mind of thoughts. I listen to the chatter, that seemingly endless stream of thoughts I can hear whenever I focus. I call it the Ether, just to label it for conversation's sake. Were I a radio, this would be "tuning" by ear - listening to the sounds as you turn the dial. If I were a TV - well, it'd be channel surfing quickly till I find something interesting to stay on for a few seconds for more of a idea of what the show's about; I find a good show and focus on it without focusing too hard. The more you fine tune the focus, the more your own personal bias can interfere. Bias.. the best reason to check your ego at the door before you continue on the way to a good channeling. It is sometimes good, however, to have some subjects or questions in mind - that way you're focused a little. Today, I want to focus on health care in the future.

The Reading

AIDS\HIV will be cured 100%, a thing of the past in the not so distant future. Definitely before 2100 - most likely 2080. In connection to Turkey (the country) but not just that country. Seems like a global made cure 8 countries. Several cancers will meet their match within a microscopic organism harnessed by scientists and programmed - while others will be cured by a new medicine - yellow, sweet - and pale blue. Skin cancer will be cured by "stripping" skin or something that looks like skin. All cancer will one day be history. I see a flurry of white coats, a woman with what looks like a beard (might be a joke beard?) with a blue turtle neck in a documentary called "How We Cured Cancer", the interviewer has something to do with Hick or Hickey or Hickson - something with Hick. She has noticeable lipstick that is talked about in magazines.. you know like the Blue/Gold dress thing. Something about a vulva or uvula tumor that really speeds up research.

I see a fake yellow flower, with a long stamen.. this is something in a museum next to the "Race to the Cure for Cancer" in a fairly new museum in New York City.. not sure if it exists now in planning, but by 2030 it definitely will exist. "Side road".

I see a cure for Parkinson's... electrical. Looks like an implant of some sort, maybe temporary. It is so much like a pacemaker. Children can even get it. I see a celebration where a horrible tragedy befalls one of the celebrants or staff at the party (feels like both) - a fire or burning sensation.. nausea. I see there are at first some serious side effects that the company has to work out. The company is run by someone who cares about the illness, but not as much as the money he will get out of this. Old man, grey/white short beard. Blue eyes.. the guy kinda reminds me of Englund from Nightmare on Elm Street fame.

I see a cure for something that sounds like "Passonna" or "Passover" or "Passon" - a rare disease or pathogen. The cure itself seems worse than the disease, but it's not as bad after the trials. The trials had a mishap.

Life extension will have humans able to live up to 250 years "guaranteed" - it is a medicine that works on DNA or RNA, a pill you take - it's small and circular, rounded so the edges are skinnier than the center. Dark coloured.. maybe dark wine coloured or dark dusky blue. This pill will cost upwards of a million dollars American. It is a project between America and France. The creators have already started working on it today.. but the actual medication will not come out until AT LEAST 2180. Sorry, not in your lifetime! But there will be something in our lifetimes that will help you live more to 120 years. This is more of a fresh feeling, green, I taste lettuce or smell it, watery, maybe a liquid med or intravenous fluid. This works on "degradation" and is the most powerful source of antioxidants - a synthetic which mimics some plant's ability. A green plant.. I don't see a flower but it's hard to tell.

A major breakthrough in auto-immune disorders such as ALS, MS, FMS, Arthritis, CFS, and Lupus will help half the world's population. It is expensive obviously, at first, but as time goes by and legislation makes history against big pharmaceutical companies' greed (it is 300x more expensive than it should be - the pill should be 20$ each and taken once a day for a year at least). The compound is "dynamite" or "dyna" something related. Refresher. Rolling pin. I see six lines, four squares, and a bunch of balls spinning around an unseen axis. I see 12 ladders screwed up. I see a murder committed over this cure. It is held back by someone big - someone with a blue outfit, big chin, "thirsty eyes". I see a tazer, yellow tape. Even though this is a sad time for the murder's victims (family of the person too etc) - it is rejoiced the world over, many people calling it the single biggest contribution to health care in five decades. I see a "stucky" or "bucky" ball in one fo the newspaper articles about this, Sherry, there is TIME magazine with the cure smack on the cover, another issue has a picture of the team - like a school class photo is arranged. "Medical Rock stars" on another magazine. So many newspaper, blog, magazine, TV articles about it.. It is not only used on auto immune disorders - but has numerous applications due to the type of medicine it is. It has anti seizure properties, is has (weird I see a banana shape) antiviral properties, and it has "life preserving" applications in non related illnesses. Sorry it's hard to channel sometimes.. I know I'm throwing abstracts at you, but it's quite difficult. I see huge names of powerful people, celebrities, and more donating insane amounts of money to help those less fortunate who can't get the cure on their own. I see a sports figure, baseball or basketball, who is at the moment a child but will be an older sports hero at the time, who has his name on a generic cure bottle for some reason. Cereal advertising returns - literally there will be adverts for Virgin and Coke and something called Craze or Crazy that'll be huge. Sorry that was random.

A degenerative bone disorder, I don't know what it is but it's complicated and mostly in the hands, will also find a cure. This time from "Reeds" or "Reids" or "Reads" - I see a connection with Yonkers, I see a connection with Bath or Beth - an inspiration for the cure. I see the moment of understanding came during a day where the wind was refreshing, the person was taken aback by the loveliness of the breeze - and they saw a bug in the wind. That was important.

As the spirit spoke of (spirits) this windy inspiration, I see that bees will finally be cured of the parasite that is killing the honeybees. It might be the wind and bug was a phasing from one thing to another. The cure will come in a bog or swamp. Another micro organism that will "eat" the parasite while promoting health in the bees. Some bees will have a bad "reaction" and will die from it - but not most of them, it's a rare 10% thing.

Lastly, I see something that looks like toothpaste which is a cure for a skin disease - no not a disease, it works to heal operation wounds faster. I see it being applied to a skin lesion and it heals 20% faster with antiseptic properties alike to iodine. Maybe iodine is in it as well.. not sure. This changes field medic technologies and paramedic kits forever.. many people are saved. What a wonderful technology. It even comes in a toothpaste looking container. You apply it to the wound, and gosh it burns - but not bad enough to not use it lol.

Broken bones, especially tricky fractures and breaks, will get help from a small computer - it moves and fixes the bones on the microscopic level - and then is absorbed into the blood stream and passed through urine. You have to then collect the urine whenever you go and give it to the medical office for testing for some reason.. or maybe recycling. It is developed with sports medicine in mind and can have a broken player returned in HALF the normal time. A big win.

Nano bots play a big part in medicine in the future, as do Designer Bugs - little bacteria looking things that are genetically engineered to target specific cells like cancer cells, cells with viruses or viruses themselves, and many blood disorders like high cholesterol. They scoop up fat and enclose it in themselves, maybe even eating fat. Yes. I see that now. The mico organism eats fat and in so, eats some errant hormones? I don't get it much but here you are. The little robots will work with little "noses" or "tongues" to sense the chemical they were programmed to - they bind to it and secrete a substance to either annihilate it or encapsulated. Some of the stuff looks like mucus whereas other stuff is bright hot pink and when you urinate or defecate it out - you see what looks like bright bubblegum pink or Pepto pink. Looks hilarious!! Other ones come out that are a bright electric blue. Some other of the little robots work with "feathering" (no idea ) and others work with tiny little lasso - looking things.

Apart from designer mico organism and nano bots, another big thing that is coming is inhaled medicines. That is going to get a lot more popular. At first I thought it was an inhaler for asthma.. but no - everything from a cancer medication to vitamins tailored to the person. I see a white inhaler that cuts the flu down 90%.

Okay, I am exhausted. I will do this again some time :) Feel free to mail me and tell me what you think. I still get mails now about past readings into the future, and love it. Might not make sense now, this article, but in the future it might. My future reading accuracy is pretty high when it comes to grand scale things.

Love and Hope,


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How to Invite a Spirit into Your Dreams to Converse!

After this article will be an update on a few things, including how my computer is finally saved from oblivion ;) I know I have spoken about dreams and spirits, but now I want to make a post only about it and answering the more popular questions regarding ghosts and dreams.

Can Ghosts Communicate Through Dreams and Nightmares?

In my experience, they certainly can and do so frequently. That is the most plain answer I can give, and as you know - plain answers bore me and I require some elaborative fun.

How Can I Tell if a Spirit is Communicating in a Dream?

The dreams will feel more detailed, more lucid, more like reality. They will be less disjointed and much easier to remember when you wake up.
Sometimes they will lock eyes with you to try and get your attention, eye contact that feels almost tangible - like a warm breeze mixed with quick panic. Sometimes they will walk through your dreams, from one to another, and keep looking at you in that piercing way. I am not sure why they do this, but from what I have gathered it seems like it is the brain's way of perceiving the communication.
Sometimes you will wake up and see them for a split second.
Sometimes you will wake up and smell a sweet smell, or a scent that reminds you of them.
Sometimes you will be unable to wake yourself from the dream, even though you know it is a dream.

Can I Force or Encourage a Spirit Communication Through Dreams?

So far as I can tell, I have never been able to force a dream conversation by will alone - no. But there are probably very gifted people out there who can just force the communication. One thing I do not like to do is force spirits to do anything - and so I have never experimented with such ideas.
Encouraging is another thing. With Spirits, the best thing you can do is talk to them aloud or in your mind - like inner monologue - the way you talk to yourself inside your head. Try this one night:
1. Clear your mind before bed, when you're all tucked in and lights are out. Have a notebook or notepad and pen or pencil by your bed or even a tablet or smartphone or other computer.. Set your alarm to wake you up at an appropriate time in the morning.
2. Breathe in a count of 4 and slower out to a count of 8. Repeat four times.
3. If you are feeling nervous or scared or like something bad is watching you... do not attempt the rest of this exercise until such time as these feelings are gone. When you feel at peace, calm, and happy - that's a green light to continue to step 4.
4. In your mind, I want you to say the name of the spirit you're trying to contact for a good minute or so, slowly and with focused care. If you want to just invite a friendly spirit or patron spirit (someone out to help you) , instead say "friendly, kind spirits" or "guardian spirit".
5. Then I want you to say your goal for that night - for example "I want to communicate with you during my dreams" or "I would like you to give me your guidance in a dream" or "I'm open to anything you have to say while I am asleep" or "I need help, please come to me in my dreams."
6. If you feel happy and calm still, continue to the next step. If you feel scared, nervous, or that "being watched" feeling - red light.. stop and try again another night.
7. Then I want you to use that inner voice and invite them, welcome them, to your dreams. Say something like, "You are welcomed in my dreams" or "I invite you in my dreams" or "You have permission to enter my dreams."
8. Go to sleep. Have no expectations, this might not work the first time, or the first dozen times, or the first hundred. Relax and feel the comfort of your bed and calmed muscles slowly release the tension of the day.
9. When your alarm goes off, let it ring. Do not move your head quickly. Be gentle and slow. Try to remember your dreams and write ALL the details you recall. Sometimes reading over it again can give your memory a kick start to get more goodies. Keep writing until you are satisfied.

Keeping the dream journal is essential. The more you recall your dreams, the more you can recall spirit communications. They are certainly more memorable, but the detail of recall can be improved by writing all your dreams down. If you don't have time to write it all out (I have done this for a long time so I know how time consuming it can be) - use keywords. I will give you an example.

I had a dream that my grandfather was sitting next to me (I have many dreams of my Grandfathers) in the usual parlour he'd have special guests in - you know, one of those fancy living rooms only used for company? Well he used it for his shop too, and I recall loving the furniture and wanting to sit down on this particular chair - but I was too scared to damage it - it was so old and fine and delicate. In the dream, he allowed me to sit in the chair. His bedroom was melded with this parlour, and all the paintings he had there, the vanity, and bed. The bed had some puppets sleeping, and I told my grandfather to stay quiet. He smiled and told me this was just a dream. And we had time to talk the whole night, for what felt like a day in dream time, which I had missed out on a lot as he lived so far from me as a child. 12 hours of driving, in my condition, was not possible after the age of 20ish. We shared our "I love you" and "I miss you" and before I woke up - he told me that he was always there to help.

How would you keyword a dream like this instead of writing it all out? Here's how I do it, maybe it'll give you ideas for your own system.

+Grandpa +Special Parlour +Bedroom melded +Puppets Sleeping +All a dream +Love +Miss +Help

These keywords kinda cheapen the moment, I know, but the words are keys that unlock the full memory. Just remembering the puppets and him telling me about it being just a dream would bring back a lot of details of the conversation we'd had. The melded bedroom and parlour would remind me of the furniture, etc. Having these keywords and reading them aloud to yourself really sustains the memory for longer. Dream journaling has greatly increased my dream recall.

A last important note about recording dreams - if spirits say things that stick out.. like lines you remember more clearly - such as "watch out for the red car with the black spoiler" (from an old dream journal entry of mine) - do not just key word it. Keyword AND quote. Not paraphrase, but a direct quote as sometimes there are double meanings or subtleties you might have missed while dreaming or while recalling the dream for the first time.

What do I do with the Dream Journal?

Well, you leave space to write what happened that day, the next day, and so on - and see if there are any correlations with the dream. You can also use it to remember the wonderful moments you spend with spirits. Sometimes spirits will warn you about something, and so it's a good thing to be able to look back in the journal for clues to what you need to do or avoid.
Keep the journal away from others, especially bully types and people who just don't get anything that isn't taught in schools. Some people do not understand dream journaling and mistake it for something negative or even against their religion. So as with anything in these lines, keep it to yourself and those you trust not to use such things against you.
Refer to the dream journal as often as you are curious. Spirits will often nudge you to go back to a clue. You could get a sudden need to look at it, or even an image in your mind of the journal or the dream(s) will flash in your mind. Use it as a generalized journal or have a separate journal to write down the happenings of the day - that way you can compare.

I hope this has been helpful, or interesting!
Thank you for reading my rambles, and take care of yourselves.